Java Programming Language Table of Contents
- Java POI Poorly Obfuscated Interface Project to Load a SpreadSheet with Data
- Java File Operations with Text Box – Load and Save Text you type in
- Java in Eclipse Integrated Development Environment IDE
- Java Software Internationalization
- Java Multilistener – Event Demo that shows how you can listen to one or to all
- Java Serial Port
- Java – Set the Size of a FrameView programmatically
- Populate an Excel xlsx xls spread sheet with Apache POI Library
Software Internationalization I18n Methods Table Of Contents TOC
- Localization Internationalization Multiple Language Software Interface – The standard files used and their extentions
- An Internationalized Software Project With Auto Tools AutoTools | Uses GetText and WxWidgets
- WordPress PlugIn Example with Full I18N Internationalization with the standard files POT PO MO
- Java Software Internationalization
- Qt Internationalized I18n Hello World Example Demo Project
Internationalization Demo Project
External Links
- Java Trail: Internationalization
- Java Internationalization HomePage
- Internationalizing a GUI form –
- International Swing Presentation and Demo – has chinese as one option
GoogleCode: Gettext Commons project provides Java classes for internationalization (i18n) through GNU gettext. The lightweight library combines the power of the unix-style gettext tools with the widely used Java ResourceBundles. This makes it possible to use the original text instead of arbitrary property keys, which is less cumbersome and makes programs easier to read. Has a message handler.
- gettext example
- Java I18n best practices with messages implemented – links below to I18nEdit too
- I18nUtil – message handler
- Java Class I18n
- jhorstman I18n Github library page
- WindowBuilder Pro Java I18n is an Eclipse plugin
- Keleido Foundry I18n Presentation
- NetBeans wiki has example of how to internationalize a MESSAGE at the bottom of the page. This uses stock NetBeans I18n. Uses the form: System.out.println(java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("examples/Find").getString("Start"));
- Recommendations how to internationalize netbeans project
Netbeans Native I18n Capabilities
- Internationalizing a GUI Form – handles both control property strings and message strings. Does it handle updates well??
Additional Links
- Drupal Internationalization
- GNU GetText – Wikipedia: Gnu GetText
- GNU GetText for Win32
- GetText for Windows 32
- VB Language manager Pro –
- Java I18nEdit – for managing Java internationalization files