Once upon a time little ole Oprah skipped to my lou into a high end Les Trois Pommes store to look at purses.  She looked at the ones out on the stands and thought "Oh my these are lovely!".  But then she saw the ones in the display case and thought "Oh my god! These ones in the display case are even more wonderful."   Then her eyes naturally wondered up to a display case way up high above the floor where she could not reach even on tippy toes. There she could discern the outline of a purse behind a gauzy screen in the way up high display case.  Her whole body shook.  This was the most lovely purse of them all!

Oprah blurted out "I want to see that one!" as she pointed to the very tip of the purse needs pyramid. 

The sales assistant Miss Clerk replied in a breathless tone "But you can't afford a £24,000 handbag" 

Oprah retorted in her most imperious tones  "I most certainly can afford a  £24,000 handbag.  I shall have it! NOW"

Miss Clerk dutifully wrote up the sale and placed the purse in a dainty box festooned with ribbons,  Shortly after Oprah passed out the door Ms Clerk took one of the purses from the lower display cases and as she was wont to do lithly placed it in the display case at the tippy top of the purse needs pyramid. 

Categories: Funny


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