Import / Export Email: Research Links


  1. how to update Thunderbird?
  2. how to sort incoming email into correct folders
  3. how good is the spam filter?

Summary of Effort

I had one issue with importing / transferring files over to my Ubuntu linux laptop.  One of the subfolders had many subfolders of its own and did not show up.  I imported from Outlook Express 6 (2004 ouch! ) again and copied the relevant sub archive into the right location on my linux laptop.  At that point it did not show up on Thunderbird even after a restart so I manually made a subfolder in the correct location on thunderbird and when I went into the folder all the emails showed up.  This was a little trickier than what I portrayed with that sentence.  Actually when I tried to create the folder with the same name under thunderbird it choked and said "can not do it there is already a folder with that name".  At this point I made a folder with SAMENAME-2 and then used nautilus file explorer to copy all the files over to the folder SAMENAME-2. At that point I could go back to Thunderbird and rename the folder to remove the -2.

It would have been better if Thunderbird had imported everything correctly.  This is the sort of thing that can leave you with lingering doubt.


Email Account Setup Links


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Categories: ComputingInformatics


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