Just got off the phone with my brazilian girlfriend who makes the equivalent of 500 USD per month.  Food has gone up alot just in the last few months because the fields are being switched from food crops to sugar cane to make feedstock for ethanol.  There are whole nations where the average wage is 500 USD per month or lower.  Cleo will get by because I will help her if she gets in trouble but what about the rest of the people? 

I can only help the rest of the people by getting your lunatic anti-human green policies booted out.   Our societies are not yet geared up for biofuels.   It is not a situation where you can just flip a light switch and have things magically switch from total petroleum basis to total biofuels.  I can see that this environMENTAList commodity  debacle that is occuring is about to come to a head.

We really need the Double breasted Deep Throated Super Gay Green MMGW religious adherent to go extinct.    You NJF MSG’s better watch out.  You are getting what you wished for and it is not pretty.  You should be ashamed for what you are doing to some very good sweet people.  People I know.  If I had my way your punishment would be to suffer the consequences of your beliefs.

Categories: EnvironmentPolitics


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