When registering on the Curriculo Lattes / Plataforma Lattes if you want to enter your CPF you must have entered your mothers name so that it matches name used when you registered for CPF.  If it does not match then you will get the following error when you try to enter your CPF:


So if you get this error like I did then you must find out what form of your mothers name you registered with.  Since I did this over 10 years earlier I did not remember.  You see Latin America uses all the names First Middle Maiden Married.  Well I forgot having used this full form.  The solution to this problem is to go here:

You can then enter your CPF and it will come back with a form that has your mothers name already filled out.  Much convenient because I do not want to go stand in line at some government organ.  This is the typical solution in Brazil which I do not find fun in the least.

I managed to get my mothers named fixed and adjust my phone and address.  When I tried to modify the blank CPF field I got the following:


Never mind that I did not try 3 times to change my CPF and that I tried only once.  FYI: In spite of my name not agreeing exactly with my CPF registration it did not flag that error until my mothers name coincided exactly.  Now I have to wait another 3 hours as I left my middle name off of my CNPQ registration. 

Categories: Government


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