If you are receiving errors about an ocx file, registering the file may solve the problem. To register an ocx file simply follow the simple steps below.

  • 1.Locate the file using windows explorer or My Computer. Alternatively search for the filename.
  • 2.Hold down the shift key and right click on the file. Then click ‘Open With…’ from the menu.
  • 3.An ‘Open With’ dialog box should appear. Click the button ‘Other…’.
  • 4.Navigate to your windows\system32 directory and select the file ‘RegSvr32.exe’. Do a file search for it if you have trouble locating the exact folder. On Windows 2000 it is typically located in c:\WINNT\System32. Click Open to select the file. Then click OK on the ‘Open With’ dialog.
  • 5.You should see a message indicating the file was successfully registered. If you see an error message, try restarting your computer and going through the above process again.
Categories: CodingVisual-Basic


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