We need to start holding congressmen truly accountable.  What do I mean?

-1- register democrat and vote in the primary  for the better of the 2 democrats.  In the general election vote libertarian or republican ( as long as its not a R.I.N.O. ).  This allows even the districts that have tiny probabilities of electing a conservative to be influenced by conservatives.

-2- Start keeping a database of ousted losers from congress.  If they get a job in private industry make it unbearable for the hiring company.    This could be done in many legal ways.  Use your imagination.  All you have to do is insure that the cost of having the ex congressman is more than the company will benefit.    If they try to get a job in government do our best to prevent this.  

-3- Keep an addresses in said database so we can flood them with spam /  junk mail to their house /  print fake license plates and speed past traffic cameras Etc.   This aids with part #2.   You can make it unbearable for the hiring company.

-4- keep mug shots of these guys so that we can boo them like Ben Nelson encountered in Nebraska.  Also helps when exposing their extra marital affairs etc.  

None of these guys lives should be easy.   I do not suggest anything violent in fact that is not sustainable anyway.   By sticking with the strictly legal strategies as we learn we can keep adding to our collective knowledge.

We need to take the profit for politicians out of government.  In general we need to associate a cost function with government such that when a guy finally retires they almost always look back and say

    "You know….the cost was just not worth the benefit".  

Only then will we have limited government.    For only the statesmen like Ronald Reagan types of the country will serve.


Instead for now you get the following:   Making the rules up as we go along.  Sounds like a democrat to me!  I meant to say dictator but what's the difference? Nothing.

Categories: Politics


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