This video is part 4 and how I do block work and it's mostly going to be about adjusting to make things work and it's a storage garage so I'm just going to show you as things go and take it from there now on this block job I got it all set up so everybody knows the way to block job is going to go I'm going to leave my tree courses by 12 the insulation the brick that's my footer looks like anybody has any questions I could answer them right here what I do I made this pattern you know when I go right down there this is where my foot is gonna be you see how that works I can't make a mistake everybody that comes on a job knows there's my two eight inch blocks there's my twelve inch blocks and that's where my brick ledge is gonna be because it's gonna sink down at the bottom so that's how you do that you can't make a mistake just a little tip that I want to pass on now people ask me they say Mike say when you do block work got your corner going this way you got to go down how do you know when to start to block down look in your on your ruler right here every block is 16 inches there's a mark right here's a little mark right there that's black work so how he does it in here then I go way down the other side here way down the other side and I look all right there you see 32 feet that little mark there with the two triangles that's block work that's how I know where to start a half there so I hope you understand that that's a little tip I'm trying to make you see this 16 there's that 4 there's a red mark there there's there on the 4 see every 16 inches when you're doing black worker comes out so we've got 4 feet here 4 feet we got the mark so that's how we know we're doing block work and then when we look at it we know we got three black and four feet now let's just say I know everybody does this difference but you have 20 feet and you have 20 feet that you got to put block work and know how many block goes in a twenty feet line well you got street block goes into four feet so three times 20 is 60 and you divide it by 4 so 4 goes into 6 once and you got 20 left 4 goes into 25 so on a 20-foot wall on a 20-foot wall you got 15 block so I'm going to have to do why how to ask a block work video but that's just how I figure it out so now as we put it in it's got to go a little tighter I know I'll measure up right come on to my end not too bad that's it well try to get the block over here and it don't fit so what do you know my rod the dough fish and this way you get up a little farther you been – at we make the rod fit see that every once in a while you gotta do something like that perfect now we did our block work here and then we made a little thing and we're gonna put the concrete fill this whole thing solid with concrete oh we're telling the block we do this we now we're still on the block solid here's the cement we used if you look at it and you really see basically pea gravel it's 1 B we're not using a thick grab what we're filling in if you're wondering how we know where are all our rods was we marked our old rods right here we put a mark so we know we drop these things in where they go now I want to explain what's going on we filled this whole thing with concrete now we did it because of this reason see the 12 inch block right here that's where our brick ledge is going to go the same thing in this site whole building is going to get brick so we had to bring it back then we leave our our corner eight to use a brick here if you wanna sue a 12 inch block now we just run our strings and go to other block work down them there and we're good now I got a Plano block work here if the body changed and I think we down here we're going to look to see where block work it right here so look at this room block work is right there so that's a 20 feet so they go like this that's how I know where to my block will end up here's a typical example the doorway ends right here the block work it's not going to work out so this time I go to the doorway I always start with my half so we cut in half sash in between like that pretty good and I know my doorway I'm going 40 and 3/4 they're going to put a 36 inch sword here and then I put a piece in here until they get them tough so we got to put a 11 inch piece clockwork is all about adjustment you got to make it work you spin every time you get out of job something gets changed on the job and you gotta just for that's the way you chose until I get to the top top of light doorway and I'm gonna just again I'm gonna change the bond again all right I want to say something here we're gonna pour concrete this is a big garage and they're probably going to be coming in here with forklifts and everything and I'm going to come in and are going to fill this all in with modified and to be stone and but what I always do is I come up from the footer they lay some blocks on the top of my concrete lays on here because just like you see when they do road work they're gonna come and I'm going to tap it the best they can and then it's going to sink so this is an insurance policy to make sure that that concrete on the corner don't sink so I just want to point that out I'm putting in garage doors I got a 12 foot opening and what I had at the hose I laid it all dry that's the only way look over here look at that when they start my block work out now my corners I want to end up with a half and I want to end up with a hole so I had a short in the wall put a 12 inch piece here put a 12 inch piece here to make it work so the whole point is you're doing block work you gotta adjust when you think about it I started out wrong I started out with a 4-inch piece so I wanted to make sure and I just lay the block I'll try and now I know I'm right so block work is all about adjusting and once you learn you have to adjust to make it work like a magician you're good so I know where this ended up I walk over here you see where my block work ends up well what I did was I pushed it back and I've still got my my half and they got my whole when they get top of the building I'm going to move my black work in a little bit so it all works so you have to learn to adjust that's 90 percent of block work is adjusting you want it to be looking good and it has to be supported foot so that's the two things you look for now here's the doorway I just want to point it out in my bus six courses see I got my half and like full wood my pieces I hide towards the corner where you're not going to notice over here I got my halves my holes one to my halves my host and I'm over there same thing I started off with my half's and my holes and my pieces I hide in the corner where you don't see them when I get to the top I'm going to have to readjust everything again to make it work so I hope you understand that doing my corner see I put the door Walla and you can see where the rods come up I got a ride here I got a ride here I got everything marked I'm gonna build my corner I always I like this door wall I'll tell you why because seen a foundation get washed away and this door wall held that whole building together and I seen another house that was built on a garbage dump and his door wall held the whole building together so whatever a cause for you could go every second or third course but I'm a big believer in it and when I come up with my rods everything gets tied together going foreigners I always get your string and go to your in here make sure your length right up with that corner all these blocks line up so when you put your string on everything straight but our trick is when you're doing these corners sometimes they don't always work something's in the way so put your level like this and then all those rough edges you'll know exactly where you're at now unclick light my door wallet I put the little long fill my holes up in the center and I'm filling them all anyway when I put the lower wall and cover everything all my joints so my block goes in when they fill in right there behind me – it's the proper way I think Norwalk ago in I have my rod then rods are going to come straight up through here and everything is going to catch out to that same thing in and fill in my cross games over here everything gets filled in how do you know where your blocks going to end up well usually in the center of here you want and you look down here and you can see the other joint so you know what up locks got to end up there somewhere you're behind push your block ahead you're way ahead you tighten up your joints this way it's no big so good just have to keep looking all the time see where I ended up almost right in the middle of the joint that's where I want to be now in this video I'll just say a couple things about rods this rods is going to go down there about 24 inches and if you want to tie it together like that you can some guys don't they just fill it and fill it solid but we'll go so far with it and then we get a another four or five courses six courses we'll do the same thing and go keep going over the top this is pretty much the end of this video I'm going to keep going with different things I'm going to just talk about striking up this is a professional one this is a professional one some use them for bricks this is one I just got from a piece of street scene you can use anything you want guys like to used is some guys like to do it this way see how that goes and then or you could do it is who's the back of this tail into this I can't drinks up real nice like that see there's anything you want everybody even easier each day's gonna tell you to do it different and didn't know most people will say well some guys will tell you well you got to use a sponge float to get the ends down most guys will just brush it but in this case here you're gonna paint it so what I'm gonna do just use a little sponge like this and go over to site that's going to fill all those in so when those guys paint it they don't have to be compressing it could do anything you want that's the point so I'm going to keep continuing these videos show you the way I do things