Government workers should not be allowed to be unionized OR WHY?

Because it sets up classic run away system parameters.  Here is why:

1- unionized workers vote for politicians who have the power to raise their wages and increase the number of workers

2- politicians take office and increase the number of government workers

3- go to step #1 and start the process all over.

Now you know a large part of why we have a HUGE federal government.   You can break this positive feedback loop one of 2 ways.  Either do not allow them to unionize/give money to political candidates OR do not allow them to vote. 

Personally I would be ashamed to be such a turd that I could work for the government.  What kind of square uncreative gollum works for them?  People who are either too stupid to do anything else or scardy cats who want a job they can not be layed off from.


Nicole Fogel – Government worker – What a fox!!!

Personally I would die of boredom.  I’d like to see the obesity statistics for government workers and compare them with normal workers.  My guess is that the percentages are significantly higher. 

When it comes to union workers I want to know why I have to be forced to pay more if they are so damned essential ?  Ah yes because they are useless no good bags of fuck.




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