I hereby make a proposal no man made global warming advocate can argue with.  We should all be forced to wear global warming headscarves until carbon based energy is eliminated.  Why would you not agree?  Its getting hotter.  We need to protect the populace from heat stroke due to the sun.   Also we can weed out the deniers for penalty by watching who does not wear their head scarf.

Only the deniers will not wear them!

1 Comment

Kyung Norton MonsterID Icon Kyung Norton · November 29, 2010 at 11:48 am

Thank you, really interesting. Actually,I was born in Russia in 1960s but my parents fled the country and settled here to the UK. Truthfully, I didnt care much about my russian past until my mum died last month, now I’ve been trying to find out as much as I can. Seemed like food culture was as good a place as any to start from! You dont generally hear much about russian cooking do you? Anyway, I found a lot of russian recipes here that other readers might be interested in too.

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