Newt Gingrich in an attempt to garner favor and the love of the popular masses stipulated that MMGW is happening in his debate with John Kerry.
Unfortunately I happen to know to absolute certainty that MMGW is a hoax and most likely Newt also knows this. But rather than stand his ground on principle he decided to take the slippery way out. He might have thought that the stampede of lemmings off of the MMGW cliff was unstoppable and thus rather than try to debunk the myth he thought to redirect the herd.
I can understand this sort of tactic when the issue is something of a lovers question. However in the case of MMGW its simple fact that if you have any sort of an engineering sense and some common sense you know absolutely that its a hoax. At some point you have to stand up and just tell people they are wrong for their own good. This case is one of them.  Catering to peoples neurosis’ is not doing anyone any favors.
Newts attempt to deflect the MMGW push towards developing technologies instead of regulation is misguided. This crowd is hellbent on MMGW just exactly because it promises to allow such extremely thick new levels of regulation. Thus Newt has no hope of deflection.
Newt, I used to think you were a contender. Now I know you’re just another weakling. You are a weakling when we conservatives are yearning for a giant like Ronald Reagan. Reagan comprimised because he had to but he never changed the wording of his core beliefs.  That’s a mistake.Â
1 Comment
Angelo Auyon · July 30, 2010 at 11:28 am
lol, Try Kerry. Just try it. With the recent revelations of our climate science and scientists, I believe indictments and testimony probably ought to come first.