In Portuguese the word for appear is perece.  Let’s morph this word.
appear – apparition – perece
You see the technique. In fact every word in Brazilian Portuguese so far that is not derived from indigenous indian tribes can be morphed this way.
good – legal : What is legal is good right ? ( it is because you stay out of prison! )
Que legal = what good! ( think “what luck” – meaning this is good luck ! )
Now more difficult are the words that appear to be from other languages such as arabic from when the arabs where in the iberian peninsula.  The Brazilian unit of currency is the Real which is pronounced REE-ALLS. Take a close look at an Iranian Currency: Their unit of currency is Rials. Very interesting
Knowing the root words for American words makes it much more easy to learn and retain Portuguese. For the technical / mathematical types in the crowd this is THE method. It makes learning Portuguese a puzzle game instead of a chore.
The beautiful women in Brazil does not hurt either!