unDemocrats say the following pairs of things:

 First they say…..  And then they say…..    And naturally you should logically ask ……
 Coastal drilling will only yield small amounts of oil             But we can not risk it… the environmental danger!      If we will find so little oil off the coasts then what is the danger…..you can’t spill what you do not find   
 Coastal drilling will only benefit the evil oil companies   Coastal drilling will only yield small amounts of oil         Which is it guys?  A great big bonanza or a drop in the bucket ?….what is it I’m not seeing ?
 Oil companies are not using the coastal leases they have  You can’t lease the unleased parts  Uh so free money for the government? And your problem is?  How do I get this gig ?
 You can not drill in ANWR  It will yield only a small amount of oil  Ok so it will yield only a small environmental danger ? No effect yet can not drill?  Strange

unDemocrats better prepare themselves to be the next Gray Davis.   They are heading dead on that course!  The oil is going to hit the fan promptly. unDemocrats are luddites who don’t mind you suffering for lack of energy.  They think they see an opportunity to get better control of you.  When you are impoverished by paying greater oil prices you will not be able to stir up trouble for them.   You think they are fighting "big oil companies" ?  Think again.  They are driving the oil companies product price up.  I call that an ally not an opponent.  If they can work people into positions of power at the oil companies you are going to find your life alot harder. The unDemocrats were the party of slavery.  Let me correct that.  They ARE the party of slavery.  They never miss a chance to try to take self determination away from you. 

Categories: Politics


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