What happens when you have a lame brain made up theory that you are trying to extort incredible amounts of money and power from the people and the Sun cools off a bit ?  Why you make up an excuse as to why THE WORLD IS NOTICABLY COOLER THIS YEAR of course.  In fact since 1998 the earth has cooled. The extortionists are saying we won’t see diddly for 10 years in the way of global warming.  But guess what?  The solar cycle is 11 years long!  So with a solar cycle that is going into what obviously must be a low activity phase with few if any sunspots you could expect this to go on for 10 years minimum before seeing any change if you are going to see any.  If you sense the so called climate scientists are hedging their bets…. you are correct.   At this point I am beyond absolutely sure MMGW is a scam.  They are in Nixon / Watergate territory where they actively do a coverup. This is exactly like the plot of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthors Court where the Yankee uses his for knowledge of the solar eclipse of 528  to scare the Court of Arthur from burning him at the stake.  How did the "climate scientists" turned shaman and con-men know exactly what I had in mind?   They know the Sun runs in 11 year cycles and thus their 10 year figure.  In the 11th year the next cycle would likely be visible.  They are hoping the next cycle will be warming and make it appear their theory is good.  However there is no guarantee the next cycle won’t be cold also. connecticut_yankee-in-king-arthors-court.jpg Watch out Hank….that Global Warming Adherent likes to run deniers through just like Joe Stalin.

Categories: MMGW


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