1+x+x^2 *     1+x+x^2 =   1+2x+3x^2+2x^3+x^4

  • The filter is the sum of the last 3 signal samples. 
  • The signal is a pulse set of three ones.  The signal arrives 1 sample at a time.

Polynomial convolution diagram showing how coefficient of multiplied polynomials correspond to signal amplitudes

Notice the coefficients of the multiplied polynomials are equal to the signal output values at times 0 through 4.

If instead of using X as our variable we could use Z and we would see that all this is the Z transform.   The following principle is true for the above signal and filter.  It is true in general.

    Signal convolved with Filter    doubleleftright Transform of signal *  Transform of filter

Notice that the powers of X perform the function of place holding for location in time.  They keep track of what we can tally and these tallies correspond in power of X to time.  Time=4 corresponds to powers of 4 of X.


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