Its interesting being me.  I’m an engineer. Highly logical but with a heart.  I understand both the language of math and also the heart and Portuguese too.  But sometimes when I talk to regular people its really hard to tell where they are coming from.  They just babble on with random thoughts strung together.  In the end after thinking about what most people say it all comes down to self interest.  Whatever has the payoff either psychological or otherwise is what they go for.  If it makes them feel good about themselves they go for it.  A perfect example is global warming.  Global warming makes people think they are helping save the world in their daily lives.  Gee if I just drive less I’ll help!….I am helping !! I am helping!!   You can just hear their childish little brains.    They seek to be part of a community even if the reason for that community is totally jacked up.

As a consequence many times after people speak I feel a sense of confusion and loneliness.   Confused at their thinking and lonely in that I question if I am the only logical person left that can see anything clearly.  

For a long time I have contended that conservative woman are hotter.   Compare Ann Coulter with Susan Estrich?     You know we men listen to what you women say and if it is illogical and self serving we realize that you are probably going to be hard to deal with.  At that point we decide if you are only for sex or not.

Here is an example case in point – Conservative blogger I can read and not feel that confusing feeling afterwards.

If she were a car I would drive her like she was stolen. 

You know I just realized that there is a reason its called Fox news.  Have you seen the women commentators on there?  Eye candy conservatives. Me likey.  The nice thing about conservative girls is that they are not all worn out from giving out to every Harry Tom Dick that comes along.  You mean you never got the idea that the unDemocrat party is full of pimps, whores and johns?  Get my point.

My dream girl.  I’d like to roll her in powdered sugar and use her like a donut.

Yes you may have concluded I think unDemocrat women are unattractive.  You would be correct.  In the words of Ann Coulter they are "corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons"  


Categories: Politics


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