When I was a kid I was was very interested in UFO’s.  As it turns out there has been several waves of UFO sightings in history.  Their descriptions have changed with the ages of man.  A sphere, egg, cylinder and saucer have been reported since the middle ages.  In our latest age since 1947 a saucer has been the shape of preference. 

Its easy to convince you that UFO’s are a fabrication of imaginative people either looking for some entertainment or book revenue.  The shape style of the UFO has change through the ages.  This is because the information we are mentally projecting on the blank screen of our imagination is different in different ages.  Large common ideas are only that because many people share them.  Thus what we commonly learn is very important.

A sphere and egg were sufficient for an age with out ballistic missiles prior to World War II.  After WWII you could not report a cigar shaped object. Its too familiar as the shape of a missile which is the product of human kind and by definition familiar and uninteresting.  Thus the shape of the foo has changed from cigar to saucer.  

Climate change is similar. It is a widely observed phenomenon that is exploited for conversation or monetary gain.  The Farmers Almanac has been in continuous publication for sale since 1818 and part of its schtick is the weather.  For that matter what about that guy on your TV?   And the biggest boogy man and revenue generator of them all lately is MMGW. *( man made global warming ).  It is the latest and most effective to date revenue generation idea.   However climate change as an idea has been around a long time.   It has had 4 stages of alternating between warming and cooling trends in the popular press starting in 1895.   This probably matches a temperature graph of the Earth since 1895.  Common knowledge of a natural warming or cooling cycle is projected on the blank screen of human imagination and the entertainment ensues.  

Thus its easy to see what we are experiencing are Climatalogical UFO’s.  Climatalogical UFOs are real only to the true believers.  But like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin …. they have a long wait ahead of them.  The Sun is scheduled to go red-giant but thats a few years off.

So in reality the people who talk about MMGW are like an poor conversationalist.  When they run out of things to say they bring up the weather.   However this conversation is one of new products for our economy.  This product does not produce anything new and in fact if implemented will impede things being created.

What ever happened to when someone was weird saying “I think he saw a UFO”  ?   There will be a day when we laugh at MMGW as an idea also.  You really have to be gullible for this idea to stick.  But we are unfortunately definitely in an age of gullibility.





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