Maybe we should not be surprised that the pet food source material that was poisoned came from China. Given their up in your face lefty/socialist / communist / democrat party meddling with regards pets in China maybe we should have conclude that possibly they have an official or unofficial program of poisoning Chinese pets.  Thus some of the poisonous batches managed to work their way into material destined for the USA market.

I’ve worked in industrial situations.  Its hard to keep different batches of the same kind of material under full management. People run out of this or that and they quickly substitute what they have to keep the production line going.  Can you imagine the pressure on a Chinese production line ?  So if they had a batch of poisoned gluten sitting off to the side for chinese pet product sooner or later this type of thing would be sure to occur.  

I think its best if you have pets that you start asking if the pet food you have has Chinese product in it.   Remember the China one pet per family rule ?   Exerpt from arty:  Regulations issued last week limit each Beijing household to one dog, prohibit owners from taking them to parks or other public areas and reinforce the ban on large dogs — any animal with a shoulder height above 14 inches.


This is what you get with socialism / communism / liberalism / Democrat Party.  They would blame the weather on you and take your pet and kill it.  In truth it all leads to off the chart neurosis.  Its just so amazing to me that the people like John Stewart and his followers all think they are such hipsters.  In reality they are the biggest whining neurotics going that are the epitomy of square.



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