DNA Sticky Ends Virus DNA inserts itself into Human Host DNA
DNA Sticky Ends – This video depicting HIV replication will scare you straight and make you want to wear the whole body condom during sex.
DNA Sticky Ends – This video depicting HIV replication will scare you straight and make you want to wear the whole body condom during sex.
This reminded me of the old paper tape machines that were used to store computer programs! Somebody obviously has too much time on their hands. A paper tape reader realized in modern components:
Evolution. All well and good. I am an atheist. I believe in evolution. Why? Because I see the clues all around me. It makes sense. I have empiric data. I have not relied solely on a list of mighty names in science to convince myself. You are better not to have an Read more…
This video is from the cassiopeiaproject . The cassiopeia project is good because it bypasses the vast majority of incompetent educators and sends the information directly to the end consumer. Recommended reading http://www.themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/enzyme-kinetics.html Amino acids. Recommended reading: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/P/Proteins.html http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/VirtualText/proteins.htm
An eye opening video on DNA hacking. In this video you will see that the DNA hacking crowd is has tried breaking down DNA information into reusable blocks of code just like object oriented programming with computer coding languages. In a short 20 years we are going to start seeing Read more…
Do a long hand division of x greater than or equal to 1 does not result in convergence of this sum. However this algorithm can still be used to do some interesting things. Let us use a complex value of Each power of x yields a result one step around Read more…
The series: this converges for x < 1 : Both of these expressions are the Z transform of the exponential decay sequence. The first expression is easier to deal with because it is smaller and easier to work with. The following diagram uses a decay sequence with The filter Read more…
The 2 dimensional determinant of a matrix can be interpreted as the area of a parallelogram as shown in the following diagram. Numeric Example Compare that with the old fashioned area of two triangles that make up the parallelogram: Using Pythagoras: This carries on through higher dimensions. Read more…