Video: Hook Line and Sunk – Iceland
Watch this video to get an idea of how governments, banks and bankers are colluding to make you their serfs in a neo feudal world.
Watch this video to get an idea of how governments, banks and bankers are colluding to make you their serfs in a neo feudal world.
Update on the process of trying to get the script below approved for broadcast on KFYI in Phoenix: Wish we had better news, but after review from our Legal department, we have been advised not to proceed. The political guidelines are extremely tight and the Federal scrutiny is at Read more…
In the economy of ideas we are headed down a path where we attempt to control the collective mind of humanity. I can not condone this. The video Rip – remix manifesto makes this point very well. …..that said ….the documentary Rip – remix manifesto misses the point in the Read more…
Gonzalez was in Argentina as a student when the crash came. He saw the nation go from what appeared to be prosperous to one with hyperinflation. Later he was in Iraq and saw how make work projects distorted the local economy and left people worse off than before by introducing Read more…
First there was an internet bubble. Second there was a housing bubble. Third there was the commodity bubble. Now we are in the government bubble. The fed loans out cheap money to banks at 0.5%. They buy U.S Treasury notes at 2.0% and make the spread. The logical question to Read more…
If you look at the leftwing comments for this video the leftists are going nuts! …. they are dissing this video as "right wing amateur producers". What gives away their game is they say "right wing" If this were a scientific issue it would not be a question of right Read more…
Dale Henningers excellent analysis as to what is going to hit the democrats this November and the effect of the internet.
From an article in the National Examiner on the names of small donors to the Obama presidential campaign. They were obviously made up to get around campaign finance laws limiting donations. These names include: * Doodad Pro * Derty Poiiuy * Jgtj Jfggjjfgj * Good Will Read more…
Got to give it to the Cabbage – Hammer! Funny! We need to fill in the blanks. Leave a comment if you have a suggestion for Obama snootiness / arrogance levels
We need to start holding congressmen truly accountable. What do I mean? -1- register democrat and vote in the primary for the better of the 2 democrats. In the general election vote libertarian or republican ( as long as its not a R.I.N.O. ). This allows even the districts that Read more…