Music – Lovely Mary Ann
Performed by Savannah Summer A Kansas- farm girl -whose fate would have her -shipwrecked on an Island Gladly, lending -domestic skills -making meals from surf and land With a smile she’s that wholesome best friend The All American Girl The millionaire’s and professor’s sweet heart The girl in shorts with Read more…
Indila – Run Run
Mais de lui Ne néglige pas ta vie C'est pas face au pire Tu joues, tu ries Tu te sens fort Ralentis Prends le temps d'aimer les choses simples de la vie Sans utopie Je sais le temps reste figé On veut tous s'en évader Le courant nous brise en Read more…
die ärzte – Waldspaziergang mit Folgen Waldspaziergang mit Folgen Ich ging spazieren im Wald, ich musste einfach hinaus da sah ich ein Stück Holz, das sah heilig aus also steckte ich es ein, nahm es mit nach Haus und da schnitzte ich mir einen Gott daraus Dann hab ich meinen Gott ins Read more…
Music: The ABC’s of Dead Russian Leaders
This cartoon reminded me of a song called "The ABC's of dead Russian leaders" ( Andropov! Brezhnev, Chernenko ) — Tom Cavanagh xxxx With all the news that there is today It's hard to keep it all inside my brain Big Russian guys are droppin' like flies How can I Read more…
Sidetracked – By Ronald Jenkees
Sidetracked was used by Ed Bassmaster for "Mumbles in the hood" at the end of the video Research Links Wikipedia: Ronald Jenkees Official website Jenkees' YouTube channel's channel Official SoundCloud Page Official Bandcamp Page Don't you go smokin that Jenkees
Home Made 3 String Guitar made out of a cigar box
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Song with Morse Code Embedded in the Chorus
This was used to transmit plans for rescue attempt to FARC held prisoners.