A Genocide Russia And The New World Order 1999, by Sergei Glazyev
Cresswell was the son of a landowner and sheep farmer in Crowden-le-Booth, Edale, Derbyshire. At the age of 24 he sailed to the American colonies after becoming acquainted with a native of Edale who was now resident in Alexandria, Virginia. For the next three years he kept a journal of his experiences, along with comments Read more…
Website detailing the basics of self publishing and making money at it. The Book Designer
Edward Mandell house was from Texas and was a kingmaker and back in the early part of the 20th century. He picked men that were corrupt controllable and would propel them into the governorship and Texas senate statehouse and US Senate. He was an agent of the Rothschild's syndicate reportedly an agent of Read more…
Stockwell was one of the first professionals to leave CIA to go public by writing a bestselling book, In Search of Enemies. The CIA retaliated by suing him in the 4th District Court in Washington, D.C.. Part of the suit intended to eliminate the possibility of selling the story for the Read more…
I learned about the Satyricon from a talk by Victor David Hansen. It is his favorite piece of literature because it details the same degeneracy in the Roman empire as present day USA. Details the misadventures of the narrator, Encolpius, and his lover, a handsome sixteen-year-old servant boy named Giton. Read more…
Notes from the Underground – Fyodor Dostoevsky PDF Prepare for the read with the following lecture 'Men are not piano keys' Jordan Peterson on Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground.mp4
Research Links The Hut Six Story : Breaking the Enigma Codes – Gordon Welshman James Bamford books on the NSA