Steven Pinker tests your deductive reasoning
Depending on the content two problems with identical logical overlay can be obvious or difficult.
Depending on the content two problems with identical logical overlay can be obvious or difficult.
Louis DeBroglie does not get the credit he deserves for original thinking in quantum machanics – DeBroglie thesis paper – he won the Nobel Prize in 1929 for very good reasons which you will see if you read his thesis paper. I am looking for the single photon counter used Read more…
Summary: If a ridiculous Bee implies an impossible See, an impossible See implies your Bee is ridiculous. Thus Don’t Bee ridiculous. Proof by contradiction is an essential tool of thought that everyone should know. However it is quite evident to me most people do no know it. Let me see if I can Read more…
You own and business and you want to encourage gym usage on the part of your employees. What is the optimum method? Do you pay the total cost of the membership? The smartest solution is how the owner of EFDATA Bob Fitting handled gym memberships. Gym memberships were subsidized but not Read more…