Arctic Temperature Data by Year Compared with Average
It's nothing global warmers are going to want to look at. Daily Mean Temperatures in the Arctic 1958 – 2017
It's nothing global warmers are going to want to look at. Daily Mean Temperatures in the Arctic 1958 – 2017
The solar wind is propelled by the sun’s activity. Thus solar activity is likely going lower. I predict you will see some notable cooling this winter. Solar wind weakest since beginning of space age Additional radiation into our atmosphere will act as they do in a Wilson Cloud chamber and cause Read more…
Now for the reading impaired you can listen to Ritard Lespy read this article. This post is about a growing phenomenon affecting our planet. In 1820, the earth rotated on it’s axis once every 86,400 seconds. Today, it takes an entire 86,400.002 seconds. Our beloved Earth’s rotation is slowing at Read more…
What happens when you have a lame brain made up theory that you are trying to extort incredible amounts of money and power from the people and the Sun cools off a bit ? Why you make up an excuse as to why THE WORLD IS NOTICABLY COOLER THIS Read more…
Bob Muir Says: Total Video Converter should be able to do the job. It can convert .flv to MPEG2 which you can then burn to a DVD with your normal application. I want this show to get out. I want normal American TV to be forced to show this Read more…
Summary: Before you go to a Sci-Fi disaster movie do you take a prep course in all the hard science its premises are based on ? Global warming is accessible in concept because of all the disaster movies that have come before. The only difference is many people actually believe this disaster Read more…