Arctic Temperature Data by Year Compared with Average
It's nothing global warmers are going to want to look at. Daily Mean Temperatures in the Arctic 1958 – 2017
It's nothing global warmers are going to want to look at. Daily Mean Temperatures in the Arctic 1958 – 2017
Please note the CarbonCaptureReport is watching you! Yes the lefty liberals who preach against religion then proselytize for Gaia are at their eco NAZI tricks everyday without pause. They monitor attitudes in regards their misguided idiocy with this website. This blog is rated there here . Interesting how those who Read more…
Research Links
Do you trust government? Do you think Rand Paul was wrong when he said the civil rights act of 1964 theoretically goes too far when it bans discrimination in a private business? If you do then you are substantively against private property rights. Keep that in mind as you watch Read more…
A fellow mentioned in this video is Jonathan Overpeck. He is at the University of Arizona – Department of Geosciences. He is the fellow who mentioned in the global warming fraud emails that they needed to get rid of the medieval warming period. I googled him and just for Read more…
Timothy Treadwell was killed when videotaping and interaction between him and a bear. The mauling and consumption was off camera but the audio has recently been released. The long lost Timothy Treadwell death audio is here: Timothy-Treadwell-Death-Audio.mp3 — The salad tossing gone horribly wrong. The tragic death of the Nick's Read more…
Evolution. All well and good. I am an atheist. I believe in evolution. Why? Because I see the clues all around me. It makes sense. I have empiric data. I have not relied solely on a list of mighty names in science to convince myself. You are better not to have an Read more…