3D Scanning Fast Easy and Low-cost Using Kinect
3D object scanning yields 3d numeric models.
3D object scanning yields 3d numeric models.
Silicon Labs was good. They were bought out.
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You can immediately see the Friis equation by using this configuration using the diagram below. It shows in a flash how a 2 stage amplifier's equations result. It can be generalized for N stages. Microwave Rules of thumb
The implications of the crowd sourcing are very interesting. Case in point is the Rally Fighter car that was designed by the crowd sourcing method. Their version of crowd sourcing has some obvious flaws however look to this to see the seeds of a coming revolution.
Pelco PTZ software download Not sure it works with model below on ebay but it is worth a try.
I bought a Rim 7290 and want to unlock it. These are my notes on the topic. FAQ about Blackberry phones – includes mention about how to unlock pst carcked
Steve Keen talks about instability inherent in high debt economies. He does this while modeling economies on a computer and demonstrating the oscillations. Video Notes I have seen this kind of stability analysis applied before. It is valid for circuits and system functions – I would posit it is valid Read more…
Google TechTalk on the 3d printer that works with ABS plastic Presented by Adam Mayer. This talk is about MakerBot, a new low-cost, open-source CNC fabrication robot produced by MakerBot Industries. MakerBot is an evolution of the RepRap project. Adam Mayer, one of the three founders of MakerBot Industries, will Read more…