Hugo Salinas Price -Interview – A must listen
Hugo Salinas Price A billionaire who speaks candidly about fiat currency and the current global economic situation.
Hugo Salinas Price A billionaire who speaks candidly about fiat currency and the current global economic situation.
Debt on Parade Summary Points 53 trillion in debt outstanding in the economy as reconned by the Federal Reserve Consumers have hit debt wall Private business has hit debt wall State and Local government have hit debt wall Only Federal government debt and "bets on financial activity" are still going Read more…
I know alot of Argentinians – they have all been very nice people. That being said their naivite regarding the applications of morals in government is their undoing. Their theory propounded in the video is that their government sold them out. However I posit that your government will always sell you Read more…
Steve Keen talks about instability inherent in high debt economies. He does this while modeling economies on a computer and demonstrating the oscillations. Video Notes I have seen this kind of stability analysis applied before. It is valid for circuits and system functions – I would posit it is valid Read more…
The presenter examines the worst jobs of the dark ages and selects what he considers to be the worst. After selecting he performs the job to see what it was like. Worst jobs up to 1066. Viewing Notes hard – messy – frightening jobs written history starts with Roman invasions Read more…
This is more an economic and political history of Britain than anything else. The economic and political epochs of Britain are covered with nothing else talked about. Even cultural events mentioned have strong bearing on economics with an example being a massive party that was the prototype rave. Raves of Read more…
A friend who is a professional trader has stopped trading stocks for the summer. This is not a lame 1 man day trader operation. This is a fully professional team with one fellow specializing in trading and the other focusing on the custom trading tools. Thus you can assume what Read more…
This is the organ chart of socialized medicine. It has kidneys, spleens, liver and onions and a whole lot of other organs your body does not. Congressmen must be very good engineers. The reason I say this is because as an engineer I feel there is very little chance I could Read more…