Video: 25 Million Pounds – The story of Nick Leeson and Barrings Bank
Barrack Obama and Ben Bernanke are the USA's Nick Leeson.
Barrack Obama and Ben Bernanke are the USA's Nick Leeson.
An important lesson that I have learned from secondary sources can be synthesized with the lessons of the history portrayed in this video. Once a trading pattern is discovered by and used by others its effectiveness goes away. An example of this would be if the market always went Read more…
Kyle Bass explains how the debt trap is already closed and restructuring must occur
Investor Kyle Bass discloses his discussion with a senior Obama admin about how this economic crisis is going to play out. The answer is to export our way out of this mess by making our exports cheaper by destroying the dollar in a global game of currency devaluation. This simply means Read more…
I have included this video because it is one of the first that directly addresses and predicts what will happen when the world pulls out of the present economic depression. Other videos from the 2011 singularity summit
Liaquat Ahamad discusses the financial crisis of 2009 versus 1929. Liaquat Ahamed discusses his book, Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, and covers the 2009 financial crisis. The date of this talk is June 9, 2009 so he may have spoken too soon when he said we Read more…
​ Milton Friedman is inspiring. This is the first episode of Free to Choose. You will see the rest of the 10 episodes listed to the right side. Friedman's questioners in the post presentation look like naive amateurs in contrast. America's freedom and prosperity derive from the combination Read more…
Milton Friedman is going to be added as a tag on this blog. If you watch the following video you will understand why.
Note how there were mini crashes and mini bail outs until the faith in the bail outs went to nil. That is when the real crash occurred in October of 1929. With the central government of the USA doing the bailing it may only take longer. In fact its probably Read more…