PDF: U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency – Aldrich Plan by Alfred Own Crozier
While I am against the Federal Reserve and banking system power as presently constituted I have not yet read this book. However in the interest of my collecting of certain critical works of historical significance I include it here. The country has been laid low by those who control the Read more…
The Origins of the Great Depression
The great depression of the 1930's has been highly propagandized by the victors. President Hoover covers his take on events in his memoirs. Volume III: The Great Depression Just in case I am uploading volumes 1 and 2 here. Volume I: Years of Adventure Volume II: The cabinet and Read more…
Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy
How central banks manipulate markets to attain their desired outcomes.
The Mexican Mormon War – Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Full Length
Ever hear the saying "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" ? That is the exact situation a Mormon community finds itself in Mexico. Heavily armed drug gangs pull people out of their houses and put bullets in their heads while the Mormon community is told by the Read more…
Theoretic markup of event progression of the crisis in Europe
Extend Pretend until trust is corroded > bottom drops out > years required to reestablish trust…. Simple really. So if they did the right thing now they would be ahead by that much trust. But what to politicians know about that? Now you can see your fate Read more…
Keith Weiners paper on Gold Backwardation – The dynamics and how it leads to shortages
Crack up boom – click for larger version Very interesting paper on how gold backwardation presages a crackup boom of fiat based currencies and the dynamics of how that leads to shortages. Gold Backwardation