Video: Why I regret Buying Property in China
Two very interesting YouTube channels on the topic of China ADVChina Laowhy86
Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler and Communism
Time after time money and commerce trumped the safety of American citizens and others. Examples sited by Sutton are supplying technology necessary for multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle nuclear missles.and truck factory components to the Soviets during the time of the Vietnam war when said trucks were used in VIetnam Read more…
Exchange Stabilization Fund – The Dark Shadows of Money
Research Links Wikipedia: Exchange Stabilization Fund Summary Overview of Podcast During the great depression of 1934 the government confiscated gold at a price of 20 dollars per ounce and after completing this revalued at 35 dollars per ounce. The "profit" from this action was about 3 billion dollars in the purchasing power Read more…
Bridgett says gold is not backed by anything
True but you can not print gold. She goes on to say perhaps a better investment is federal reserve notes! OUCH. That black hair should be blond. The "US dollar", the federal reserve note is backed by the full faith and murder of the District of Criminals. Even Beavis Read more…
Janet Yellen is either sick or under much stress
This could mean bad things if it is stress. Micheal "Mish" Shedlock comments
OpenDesk – Open Source Furniture – Downloadable Designs
This furniture is set up for CNC machines that use 4 x 8 ft plywood.
Banker Wars
Not absolutely sure of everything in the video. I am sure no other industries product can compete with bankers as they make 100 dollar bills. Their product does not need to be sold. It's already been sold. It's a hundred dollar bill for shitzsake.