H2TestW – USB Size Test Utility
There are problems with fake USB pen drives claiming to have a larger capacity than in reality. H2TestW tests the size of USB memory sticks.
There are problems with fake USB pen drives claiming to have a larger capacity than in reality. H2TestW tests the size of USB memory sticks.
They mean to say serial port .
Click on the image for a larger version I have an access point with a USB port on it. It also has a console and ethernet port. What is the USB port used for? At first I thought it might be the port used for serial but rechecking using google Read more…
Video shows how to do a minimal driver for a USB device that utilizes the classes within the Linux kernal. It is simple to follow with minimal knowledge.
The PendriveApps.com website has much USB related and based software. It is a good place to go looking to see if there is a software tool for what you want to do. However I would go to the source of the software rather than downloading from this site. I originally found this Read more…
Research Links Presentation in the video QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. USB Fuzzing Universal Serial Bus Device Class Specification for Device Firmware Upgrade USB Rubber Ducky Kautilya is a toolkit which provides various payloads for a Human Interface Device which may help in breaking Read more…