Ben Garrison Cartoonist
Research Links Ben Garrison cartoonist on Ben Garrison Blog
Music: The ABC’s of Dead Russian Leaders
This cartoon reminded me of a song called "The ABC's of dead Russian leaders" ( Andropov! Brezhnev, Chernenko ) — Tom Cavanagh xxxx With all the news that there is today It's hard to keep it all inside my brain Big Russian guys are droppin' like flies How can I Read more…
Sudo and Checkoff
Sudo is a character on Star Trek who usually controlled the shields and speed as opposed to Ensign Checkbox who controlled weapons, course of the ship and most importantly managed the grocery lists on the ship. Sudo did "turn hard to port" but Checkbox "plotted the course" and ticked off various important Read more…
American Splendor – Harvey Pekar and his Robert Crumb Illustrated Comics
​ Research Links Harvey Pekar Paul Giamatti portrays Harvey in American Splendor the movie. He is one of my favorite actors. Robert Crumb helped illustrate for Pekar This frame reminds me of Jefferson who once said "I made the circuit just like in the book, and it didn't work. We don't have the Read more…