Political Ponerology – Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Politica

The political ponerology is an interdisciplinary study of social issues primarily associated with Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski.[1] As a discipline it makes use of data from psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history to account for such phenomena as aggressive war, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and despotism. Research Links Google: Political ponerology pdf Wikipedia: Political ponerology BookSee: Political Ponerology

Slur Website –

Research Links Slur.io Slur is an open source, decentralized and anonymous marketplace for the selling of secret information in exchange for bitcoin. Slur is written in C and operates over the Tor network with bitcoin transactions through libbitcoin. Both buyers and sellers are fully anonymous and there are no restrictions Read more…

Source of Cheap RV’s

The oil fields of North Dakota are going bust so I am told.  Rough necks are bugging out for home and leaving the RV's they've been living in. Research Links Becoming China: From Shale Malinvestment Boom To "We Are Overbuilt" Bust Google: TJ Autobody and Salvage There may or may Read more…