Apparent Fraud by the High Priests of Global Warming
A fellow mentioned in this video is Jonathan Overpeck. He is at the University of Arizona – Department of Geosciences. He is the fellow who mentioned in the global warming fraud emails that they needed to get rid of the medieval warming period. I googled him and just for Read more…
Video Anthony Zboralski – Social Engineering Fundamentals
Presentation Title: Social Engineering Fundamentals Presentation Details: “You might say there are two specialties within the job classification of con artist. Somebody who swindles and cheats people out of their money belongs to one sub-specialty, the grifter. Somebody who uses deception, influence, and persuasion against businesses, usually targeting their information, Read more…
Anti Obama Tee shirts and bumper stickers
The original underground poster that started showing up in Los Angelos This post is a note to myself and others looking for anti Obama ( der furher ) tee shirts and bumper stickers. …resolution in above is high. You can print it out. Obama underground "The Joker" poster / tee Read more…
Video: Andrew Marrs History of Modern Britain 1945 to 2007
This is more an economic and political history of Britain than anything else. The economic and political epochs of Britain are covered with nothing else talked about. Even cultural events mentioned have strong bearing on economics with an example being a massive party that was the prototype rave. Raves of Read more…
Socialized medicine block diagram Org Chart
This is the organ chart of socialized medicine. It has kidneys, spleens, liver and onions and a whole lot of other organs your body does not. Congressmen must be very good engineers. The reason I say this is because as an engineer I feel there is very little chance I could Read more…
How the Geithner plan works by obfuscation
Clue: Federal Reserve prints up some monopoly money and gives it to the banks and maybe some third party investors to get the banks out of trouble. The taxpayer ends up with IOU’s for this monopoly money.
Democrats in Action – Rangel says to mind your own business
…. and keep paying your taxes because he sure is not gong to and someone has to pay for his car.
Video: How CyberCriminals steal money – Web security