Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy
How central banks manipulate markets to attain their desired outcomes.
How central banks manipulate markets to attain their desired outcomes.
The book Yellow Kid Weil will illustrate for you how the politicians and police are in on the grift. It also will teach you the basics of the short and long con game. The storied career of Yellow Kid Weil is an entertaining read and pretty obviously the basis of the movie "The Sting". Read more…
The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra An unprecedented look inside one of the most powerful, secretive institutions in the country. The NY Federal Reserve is supposed to monitor big banks. But when Carmen Segarra was hired, what she witnessed inside the Fed was so alarming that she got a tiny Read more…
I like the investigational technique used in this internet research. They send photos of the items on craigslist and when the scammer opens to look at them their web address is recorded. Not sure if this works against Tor though. Research Link Original Web address Local copy
There is a computer virus being reported that is of a sophistication level unseen on the normal public nets until now. It is called badBios by the discoverer Dragos Ruiu. Research Links Meet BadBios Dragos Ruiu: Google+ Earnest Corral: Security Artwork FaceBook: Dragos Ruiu Twitter: Dragos: BadBios Errata Security: Read more…
The order of events which led me to believe this are as follows: I submitted a project write up The project was reviewed. The project was not accepted, not rejected. The explanation given was a cut and paste of their project guide lines. One of those guide lines included was Read more…
` Huey Long was full of propaganda and self serving lies. He and Dan Rather look like relatives and act similarly. There is no doubt in my mind genetics is the strongest component in human behavior.
What have you heard about Bill Clinton? Have you paid attention. I was not a fan of Slick Willy. I actively dislike liars. However I discounted the stories of corruption because they came at me in a disjointed fashion through the mainstream media. This video lays out the circumstances of Read more…