Presenting The Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism
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Links "So It Was a Hoax?" – Fox News' John Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing COVID-19 Mortality Rate – local mp4 copy for when Youtube deletes the verstion uploaded to it. Let's see how long the video lasts on Youtube before it is censored. Embedded below:
Whitney Webb podcast that has Talks about the Les Wexner controlled operation that included Epstein On the back end she talks about how the corona scare is being used to implement Chinese controls in the USA. Starts at 1:07:34 She mentions in the back half how the elite refer to Read more…
This interview with Whitney Webb lays out the network of connections between entities that make up the surveillance state mafia that runs the United States.
Page loads but then browser goes blank WikiSpooks
Research Links The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception Morale Operations Field Manual
William "Bill" Binney, former NSA technical director on how NSA track you. From the SHA2017 conference in Netherlands.
Research Links Raising Phoenix Program From the Ashes – the interviewee who is the author of "The Phoenix Program" is interviewed shortly after Trump's inauguration and promptly blames him for existing infrastructure in the US government. His presentation of the Vietnam era Phoenix program is good though.
These 3 episodes from the History Channel do a good job of laying out the case that Lyndon B. Johnson and his cronies in various institutions like the Texas mob, CIA and FBI conspired to kill Kennedy. There is no longer much doubt in my mind. There are too many Read more…
Notable Points In most major cities hitmen are cops – Most hitmen are cops. The time you have to be most wary about a hit is after they announce in the news you are dead and yet you are still alive. I've been told by high-level army officers that when Read more…