Hey guys today I'm here with an esse whohas an absolutely incredible YouTubechannel called Anessas where she factually and objectivelytranslates hundreds of PresidentVladimir Putin's videos thanks so muchfor joining me Anessahello Milo I'm good I'm excited for thisinterview because I'm watching your tailfor a long time so I know in one of thevideos you made you mention that ittakes you several hours to translateeach of the videos so what motivates youto put in all of that work I guess verysimilar reasons as to why do you have achannel well I've had a looked at a lotof your work as well some veryinteresting things thank you and supwhen it comes down to it just you knowwhat else that sounds like a keyboardwire like just a sense of justice reallyyoung as a bilingual business educationyou just bought often very subtle evenmistranslations right very subtledifferences so honor what was meantabout using this kind of gone yeah analchemist sourcing I'll go it and ofcourse I had no idea that people see itso yeah do you want something done rightyou gotta do it exactly well I thinkyeah I mean you'd be surprisedespecially with the whole Russian hackeraccusation how many people in the UnitedStates are interested in what isactually going on in Russia and whatVladimir Putin is actually saying andand they're looking for videos that thatare not heavily edited or might havedifferent translations that completelymisconstrue what was actually said so Iget that a lot actually because I findpeople don't like to see like avoiceover some people do but most peoplesay they don't like the bullshit yeah Idon't have any language you know thecops pieces together like that suchnight but what if you can read thesubtitles in pretty much so yeah yeah soin your opinion view do you believe thatVladimir Putin is miserablemisrepresented by the US the more themainstream media and if so how I thinkkeeps very much represented by the mediaand that goes back to I guess you knowRussia and with having opponent NationalInsurance tonight that reporters youknow it's not going to be any differentof course it doesn't have to be asaggressive as it is now but I guess forus has been hegemon for so long now thatthey can't accept what inside a don'tdon'tespecially that to be equal or evenmajority majority the government is mostadjustable seeks a game that doesn't letanyone do their job for me yeah so thenwould you believe that the missiverepresentant misrepresentation obviouslyis quite deliberate men they want tocreate a narrative of him and Russia andshow it to us and make us believe itwhile it's quite Hoff absolutely andbecause I guess he's been involved forso long that makes it an easier targetum because of course in the state'sfigure has changed the possibly doesn'tchange and Russia it's a little bitdifferent and person Megan hasn'tchanged that at least you know he'sresponsibleyou know the good and like a westerns inthe fennec country somebody does somefunny business and then they're out tofour years their house or anythinganymoreso that kind of system would actuallyobliterate responsibility yeah that's areally good point actuallyyeah and you know I grew up in NewZealand we have a same problem is thatif you say to citizens in England anyWestern contributor so a person will dosomething or credit quality to revelmovies and then nobody importantresponse and you know if you go back 15years we can already see then that theythink that informing members deliberatemisrepresentation possession Putinbecause he wasn't necessarily followingtheir gender today you get a very slowlysoupset anyone but as family not he had alot more bold decisions you could hearwhen that and that's when fuckinswearing eternal should really have thefan you've gotta have newspapers andeverything went really crazy and alsodiscussed with the mainstream media isentirely bankers are think tanks thatdevelops that foreign policy so theycan't say anything different on throughthe official line and when you have realjournalism pretty much nobody of therecently specific is just yetI have seen some great piece ofjournalism us journalism butunfortunately people wonder don't readvery much they beat headlines in inMilan leather a lot of innocentsspotlighted because there seems to bethis growing movement of journalists inthe mainstream media who are less aboutreporting facts and keep staying true tojournalism and they're more likepolitical activists and they'redeliberately trying to get a narrativeacross whether it be true or not it justthey want it to fit in with their entirenarrative but something interesting youmentioned how they started you know awhile ago trying to feed Putin in aboutlike cinders me if you even look atentertainment a lot of the you knowthriller really action movies that comeout a lot of the or political thrillersa lot of the bad people are alwaysRussians so it's just funny there are somany where it's the Russians are the badguys yeah I went to all the new classmenserious you know I didn't see it yet Igot in the name and I was expecting youknow fast cars and a lot of butts orwhatever but even where you know youhave Americans you have a Russian baseof some sort and the first Direction'sof the bad guys and this like you knoweven here such as beat up program I justyou know I cannot I feel like I'vealready seen this movie somewhere elsebecause only yeah it's always theRussians the bad guys and I can onlybring it down so you know this againthis like thisinteresting diametrically opposed reallyyou can never be you can be friendly butyou can never pursue the same goals Iguess yes right and it's also a way ofhitting all the bases because noteveryone is involved in politics orreally knows what's going on so it's away that you know even the youth whoaren't interested in politics can kindof be indoctrinated in that way Russiaequals bad you know if they're seeing itover and over and over again so I wasinteresting kind of on that note what'syour pigeon opinion of the Russians hackto the u.s. election accusation and whatdo people outside of the US that you'vemaybe talk to what did they think aboutit in general I think to believe thatRussian tech the elections you agreelist if you have to believe that onTrump and the Russian government knoweach otherthis is denied at every level he's neverbeen to Russia beside the business tripsometimes in the late nineteen thirtytwo thousand but you know many businesspeople go to Russia in are generallyexpect community I just came from offtheir last note um I spoke mostlyEnglish with people position is a verylarge business community we people gothere a lot of people go there from thestates and this is kind of shunnedbecause the government your governmentunfortunately doesn't want you to votethey don't want you to see the peoplethere's absolutely normal lives andwomen that can go there they love it soto believe that Russia heck theelections would mean you believe Trumpis some sort of deal with the Russiangovernment when that's absolutely notthe caseand actually in Russian news they'revery much looking forward to includingleading Trump officially which I thinkhappened in July for this coming monthso from my perspective I don't believethat Russia heck the elections and youknow just if with any questions when youtry to find something out you look foran incentive what would be the incentiveeither way you're going to deal withhuge deep state designs deal withAmerica's northing moto industrialproblems there is nothing that one orthe other candidate can really win youthis isso from from my perspective I don'tbelieve that happened and it's actuallykind of insulting to the American peopleto think that you can influence theelection my twitching things here andthere is having the whole country justyeah that up to practices and it doesnot to even mention that they presentedno actual hard evidence to support thisaccusation and it's just you know someanonymous sources and things like thatso it's up with a specialist that isunknown exactly and in to present it asfact which some mainstream media outletsdo is completely unbelievable it's Imean because the gravity of thataccusation and to enough enormous Iagree with that I don't even mentionthis argument anymore because peoplehave like forgotten what evidence is butthey just all the time if you thinkabout the chain of events that have beenanti-russian anti-putin and we're notgoing to get into each of them nowbecause each so I can be discussed inits own separate way um but you know themh17 disaster with the airplane you knowthe Panama scandal foodon was neverdirectly implicated but other worldleaders work and eat in my head couldn'tface like right on the final memorandumand so it's just about visual cues andheadlines because that's all people readelse and lettering the whole article andso long as the it's implanted in yourhead and that's not too sweet asponsored no one's going to have anyquestions because that's just how peoplewhat I guess so evidence what evidencedepth the lawyers in malaria they don'tso megyn kelly who works for NBC now sherecently interviewed Putin about theRussian talking the u.s. election amongother things but apparently theinterview that NBC ended up broadcastingwas heavily edited can you please talk alittle bit about that and namely whatare some of the most important points inyour opinion that NBC either edited outor in what way they might have missedin that interview yeah so they're makingKelly interview the the whole interviewin Russian is about tween Aslam I wenton the NBC YouTube channel when I had alook and it was something like 11 or 13minutes so I'm done hanging that's endeda little bit done here and and basicallyjust from memorythey have cut out all the books thatmake certain look remotely in the siteactually towards the end when Megan saysyou know should up in a st. Petersburgeveryone that I've asked they I havegood things to say about you what do youthink about that they just completelycut their cut out because in Americapeople must believe that you know Putinas a tire and he's a sick sailor nobodyspeaks out against them suggestions areafraid and you know that's absolutelynot the case so I had noticed that and Ileft them a little comment I call yourcommented when I'm sure that it was likethis isn't a full interview I couldn'twalk and I'm of course a couple of dayslater they had bought the interview onmy channel but my version of it with mysubject which is actually are illegalbecause is you know you to theircopyright laws but when you addsomething new to an existing variousitems such as translation it becomes aderivative work which is why I can dowhat I do because something that existstonight and my own translation work toit but he needs this mine so sometimespeople will go and block your contentbut then you appeal it and they unblockit because they made a mistake so I trydoing that with NBC but no can do theirgiant fish nutrition lead yeah so it'sagainst their interests that one I'm notsaying I made some some big you know bigdeal about it but it's definitely noteasily available yeah actually the linkyou sent me for me to watch it I wasreading the comments underneath and somepeople said that that wasn't even thefull interview and this one was linkedon Facebook so I'm not sure where toeven get the full interview at thispoint butit is hard left like that that NBC hadactually covered not just during my owntime as I said 20 minute interview itwould take me like a couple of hours todo so I only did their bit and he hadactually left out because I've seen theoriginal but the full one item I don'tthink for one exists in English okay howtry to just try to do that next timeI'd be awesome I'd loved I'd love towatch it so I'm sought it wasinteresting when you mentioned thatmegyn kelly said that she was goingaround talking to people and a lot ofpeople were very positive spokepositively of Putin doesn't you have avery incredibly high approval rating inin Russia and I think I remember readingwith something like the upper 80s orlower 90s like extremely high that'sright and sing the latest or somethinglike 89% but again what people will tellyou where the polls are fake right he'sreading the polls and he's a dictatorand everyone's too scared to speak outagainst an example and I aired ofnational channel so you can't trust thatbah blah blah I mean margin for error iswith everything but more or less I thinkit's about 89 to 90 percent especiallywhen it comes to policy I think you'vegot a little more opposition andinternal policy but when it comes toforeign policy I don't think anyone andwas everyone out of the water I don'tthink oneyeah so that's obviously a hugemisconception in your opinion and thatAmericans have of a mere food and arethere any other so you can think of thetop of your head that just yeah I thinka lot of Americans and Westerners ingeneral believe that Putin runs Russiaalone like with an iron fist sort of inkum kind of um you know Gaddafi orsomeone like that and well you know Ihave my own opinions about Gaddafi whichdiffer from mainstream media table butit's definitely not the case umPutin is just one man yes he does havedecisive um if Edward shouldshould that be required but you knowRussia has a parliament they get a jobbill it goes to formal and gets foldedon phylum exercises it's going to passand a passes it's not been not recentlywith the domestic violence I'm basicallywhat happened was it was just domesticviolence law of getting what a nice withthem were a lot more harsh than crimesthat were a lot works where wherethere's an example so all that happenedis this all that happened is theirborder and to harmony with some otherlaws which made some sentences seeingnot a touch of support but accepts alllike nothing to do with taken woman andthen I saw the Guardian neighbor thingsaying Susan just allowed domesticviolence and say – yeah it has nothingto do with all he does at the end ishoping to find a law infection maybethinking that all we have syndicatedcolumnist like any other country so thatkind of misconception that sayseverything is run by one personaccessibility some things like whencorruption comes until then ministershigh-ranking thanks if not prudent faultthis is the person that made a decisionthat was wrong so I think that's one ofthe PI's misconceptions and and at thispoint like after everything that'stranspired between the US and Russia allthe back-and-forth what what is what isthe average opinion what's the averageRussians opinion of Americans right nowprobably pretty bad no accent noRussians say differentiate betweenAmerican people that's great to you yeahand you know real people we all prettymuch want the same things universallybut when it comes to the American doublenurse I guess the Russian media is afield day as well in terms of you knowthere are some really funny charactersof US State Department right now Kanzakisona or kirby or common the US and theycome up with some really funny thingssay and i guessbig sexist because you cannot possiblyjustify some of the things that theyneed to justify so when I take thesefunny things it gets aired in Russianmedia and spun around and people have afield day with a basis so the feelingthat I got is people very welcoming toAmericans in Russia but I need to tellthem like their side of the story youknow why are you doing these crazythings how we feel or what but as forgovernment I think yeah yes selectivelya better word and that when you can sendanyone it's a little bit of alaughingstock especially when it comesto you know folks people because a lotof the time completely nonsensical andthey have one comment which is localhonest pretty much goodyeah well as long as I keep peddlingthis Russian hackers you know theorywithout proper evidence then I can seewhy that would be yeah you know how manytimes to missing over and over over andoveryeah and it's gonna be interestingcoming up to the presidential electionin Russia and 2018 so will beinteresting to watch the American mediaevent what they're saying how manypeople couldn't killing in all theiryeah well kind of on that note that wasfollowing the u.s. shooting down of aSyrian Air Force jet in Syria's airspaceRussia has said that it will treat usmore pain warplanes operating parts ofSyria where it's air forces are alsopresent as targets in your opinion dothings that the US and Russia how closeare they to an actual physical conflictdo you think that World War three is apossibility you know I don't I don'tthink so at this stageanything happens when a few months agothe US did a very similar thing and theywent all the heaven base all they bombeda Syrian yeah yes she had ceased thememorandum that was in place which wasenterederr err cites incidents between the USand Russia so much like now I think it'sjust like a primary response somethingthat they do when the other side doessomething that they weren't supposed todo so you know it has a bit of an effectwhen I go to the media and people saydon't see it I don't think at agovernment level it's going to be amajor war at least not at the momentbut the US yeah well I mean you can tellthat the deep state is obviously veryinterested in a war with Russia I'm nota fuzzy thing there are whole Russia bigthings that only goes away so you knowwe've gone bomb Syria all the suddenlike a trump you need or not you wantthey're all topics colluding with theRussians so you know I think and Russiadoesn't make sense it doesn't make senseif you also get a sense of what's goingon behind those doors there you knowwhat's not being said who was hefighting against internally actually inmany ways so as I say I think you knowfor you guys the bigger enemies probablyon the inside I wish we our country isso divided at this point and in trumpetsit's not so easy as him just wanting todo something and being able to get itdone he's hindered and you know blockedat every every point like still I meanthat's not going to give him an excusetank isn't noting anything done he'sstill you know needs to fulfill thepromises he made during his campaign butyou can cut him a little slackknowing that that there is as you saidthis war raging behind the curtain thatnone of us are privy to so that isdefinitely something worth consideringjust recently a new batch of sanctionsagainst Russia which Trump is actuallyagainst so you know you have a fullParliament that's one extension theywant definitely nothing at all is justto reprimand someone that in their viewis not innovating so you have one personagainst the whole conversation yesthe 4th division making a limited I meanwe'll see what happens throughout theyou know next couple years hopefully hecan clean some of it out fingers crossedso I'm curious how often you're accusedof being a Russian agent because Iimagine that helming the channel you doyou're accused very often whenever Iwould speak out against the Russianhacker theory I was accused of being aRussian agent and many people in thesame network that I meant but I'm sureyou get it a lot yeah absolutely almostdaily I would say um it seems that justmissed your visa days from the mainstreams and you must be an agent ofsomeone and I we can having a channellike mine which think being very niche Iunderstand it may look like some kind ofoperation propaganda I don't know butpeople often come and they'll soak youthey're ignorant and you used to let youknow about yeah how many times are theslip on the baby wipe down today youknow it's really funny uncle betterlaying them people have you even everseen two never met name in person no youknow I have absolutely no sides for theRussian government the other thing Ihave is the language that's pretty muchit which in a sense of justice I have UNwatch TV for because it became so Iridiculous I ended up throwing it awayat the TV see kids I just you know Ithought why would I work yeah I'mwatching something that focuses it istrue yes I've never met anyone you knowmaybe maybe in the future do you believeas a whole that Vladimir Putin'sleadership has been a positive thing forRussia I you will find there vary basedon how old that business so at themoment there is a little bit of internalopposition knowledge for kids who areunder 20 they're being led by the sizeof the whining operators are 54 that'sanother place and so if someone thatgrew up in the 90sget out the 90s the are number thatcountry very well and not be saidcountry that it is todayso I perceive what they were like seasonthat created security but for me becauseI have had that experience I think thingthat Putin has been instrumental Russiareally Ithere was one I'm fine when I thoughtthat maybe I would never go back thereeverything very diet but very happy toplay that that didn't happen and I tookyou know a lot of there couldn't yeah Ithink there's a lot of watched a fewdocumentaries on it and Russia was asyou said in a really dire position whenhe was you know took on the leadershipthere so I think a lot of people maybearen't aware of the history and howabout it was well as I as always talkingto you before this interview we haveactual people advocating for communismseriously in this country right nowquite a lot of people so I guess maybethey some of these people wouldn't careeven if they knew thank the Russiandiaspora is one of the largest singleone of the largest immigrationcommunities in the world outside ofthreshold I think is about 25 millionRussians who don't live in Russianot counting that's also available and alot of it happened during the 90s whenthe country just Pacific collect myselfincluded so now you have all theseRussians that are kind of lost a littleand no that is why yeah okay so to kindof wrap up my last question then is I'mcurious in your own words what the maingoal of your channel is and what youhope to accomplish well I'm okay peoplewho are into the Russians on policy a10-year an official high level so I donot own a certain type of also socialand here's a little bit defense ofspeeches and addresses and so I guess Ito become someone that people aren't toosure they know where to go to find theexact information that has been highlyedited by a person journalist I don'tmean that disrespectfully opportunelythe only information that does someserious – so those links to be it oftenpoints not what's being said at allmeans very important to remain asauthentic as possible which does meanbeing very careful in my translationsbecause as I said before generationsources some very very little so if youuse the wrong word it can actuallychange the CV well I'm not this but Icertainly don't have any bad intentionsdoing it someone that does haven't saidintentions I assume it's very easy tomake up the whole story that is in thereyeahall right great well it's been so greathaving you I've come to end my questionsnow but yeah it was so great time wemeet you and talk to you in personwhere's the best place for peoplewatching to find out about your YouTubechannel like Facebook Twitter and arethese oh it's just my name on YouTube Ithink if you search my name of youthere's certain anything I'm pretty muchyoung anything comes in okay great I'lllink your channel and your Facebook andTwitter below so people can find iteasily definitely check out our channelreally it's amazing yeah so great thankyou so much to everyone for watching andthank you once again and Nessa it's beenawesome having you thank you so muchluck yet again yeah definitelyyou.