Monday, April 16, the British National Union of Journalists voted to boycott Israeli goods as part of a protest against last year’s war in Lebanon. The vote, carried 66 to 54, read: “This ADM calls for a boycott of Israeli goods similar to those boycotts in the struggles against apartheid in South Africa. It also called for sanctions to be imposed on Israel by the British government and the United Nations.
This proves what we conservatives have known for some time now. The media is liberal biased and journalists are nuckin futs. Israel for whatever it is, is a vastly superior choice over the pathologically insane behavior of the Palestinians / Lebanese muslim militias and their Iranian backers. Journalists like pathologic liars like Bill Clinton. What is it that draws a journalist to psychopaths like moths to a flame?Â
This is the type of thing that makes me think I should trust none of the spew out of the journalistic puke machine. The choice is so obvious here and they made the wrong one. How can I expect they’ll get the harder stories correct ? There is no reason to believe.