Used a cheapy test kit to test my blood sugar.
- Level = 86 mg/dL > This was 10 am reading.
- Level = 104 mg/dL > this was 9:30 PM > following the trends of the curve below closely. 6-18-2010 > after eating sweet carbs during the day
- Level = 86 > hungry before breakfast 6-20-2010 > had potatos that elevated my sugar levels yesterday. After eating a 2 egg & chickpea salad breakfast Level = 87. Lunch included chicken with sweet barbeque sauce and small amount of rice and beads: Level = 107 afterwards. I can feel the difference. Less ability to concentrate. Went for a walk to lower sugar level. Distance = 1 mile: Level = 80 afterwards. Feel a slight hunger. Waiting to see if it goes away.
- 6-21-2010: after a day of eating light in the afternoon level = 78 mg/dL : it is not optimal for brain function. Slightly sleepy.
- 6-22-2010: after a decent breakfast at 8 am I later hiked up Squaw Peak > blood sugar afterwards: Level = 77