The rejection rate for job seekers is 98 percent. The rejection rate of everything is similarly high. You have to set your expectations in line with this.
I mean that’s what happens when you get unemployed it’s like it’s devastating right it’s devastating to people and you could say well that’s psychological it’s like well yeah but they’re unemployed that makes the world far more incomprehensible and uncertain it’s not just psychological it’s psychological and that’s bad but it’s also real and that’s even worse and then those two things can spiral which they often do because you know if you don’t set your expectations properly for a job search and assume that you’re gonna get 49 rejections for every interview which you really need to know because if you get 49 rejections it’s not because you’re useless it’s because the baseline for rejection is 98% and that’s okay because the base rate for rejection for everything is 98% no matter what you do but you need to know that so that you don’t feel that it’s like something wrong with you and of course you only have to get it right once that then you have a job it’s a lottery but you have to set yourself up you have to think okay well I’m going to look for a job I need to how many resumes can I tolerate sending out a day you know it has to be enough so you don’t feel like a useless moron and it can’t be so many that you’re overwhelmed by the burden so and I help people do this sort of thing all the time so maybe you decide well you’re gonna send out ten a day and you’re gonna work two hours on it and it’s gonna take six months and then you know you’ve got your parameters set properly and you know what to expect in the world and and your emotions are regulated and so but the state of being unemployed doesn’t just produce psychological consequences so the the distinction between the psyche in the world in some sense is quite arbitrary and the psychoanalysts I think it err too much on the side of the subject they tend to think that too much of you is inside of you and too little of you is outside of you and part of the reason I believe that is because of my clinical experience I love the psychoanalyst man they’re brilliant they’re brilliant they’re deep they grapple with real problems like with the problems when people have real problems that I mean profound problems they’re really profound moral problems or problems of good and evil really you know there are things going on in their family that are so terrible that well that there are there are sometimes fatal you know lie upon lie upon lie upon lie for decades and decades and decades it’s awful and that’s not exactly inside them it’s out there in the world and lots of the people that I see you