Gonzalez was in Argentina as a student when the crash came.  He saw the nation go from what appeared to be prosperous to one with hyperinflation.  Later he was in Iraq and saw how make work projects distorted the local economy and left people worse off than before by introducing distortions into the economy.  Highly recommended that you listen to this interview.

Charles Goyette interview with Edward M. Gonzalez.

The experiences detailed by Gonzalez are too important to risk loss due to other websites removing pages.  Thus I have a locally stored copy of the Goyette interview of Gonzalez here.

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Categories: EconomicsPolitics

1 Comment

Phxmarker MonsterID Icon Phxmarker · May 12, 2010 at 7:07 am

Infrastructure may buffer
More reliable/dependable energy may buffer (energy-independence)
the masses may suffer due to ignorance
Holder has a military  chauffeurs <– this is probably significant due to the a few facts. One is if there is hyper-inflation and people get out of control… and the other, more insidious reason is that Obama and his regime are actually activity trying to change America into a Liberal/Socialist/Communist/Dictator's wet dream. Basically, the Obama regime is positioning itself for a Saddam Hussein/Hilter style of take over. After they get their"civilian"  police force in position, watch for Obama to extend "Peace Treaties" and soon afterwards start plundering those countries that accept the peace treaties, including his "Peace Treaty" with Americans.
Obama will at some point declare something a national emergency and impose martial law and the cornholing will begin… (one reason for implementing martial law will be the impending global economic collapse which is due due to the ponzi scheme getting to the end of its rope)
IMO, the only way to get out of this problem is to stop the bailouts and let the failing failers fail. But, since that is very unlikely, we are screwed, so the best thing to do is?
i don't think SurvivorMan or Bear Grylls would have any problem with this impending economic collapse.


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