1- First and most important they tend towards atheism as a crowd.  You may be a liberal and a christian believer but you are part of a crowd that uses as its basic assumptions there is no Judeo Christian God.

2- In the next breath the liberal environmentalist will say the Earth is sacred.

Well screw the liberals.  If there is no god I am under obligation of any sort or variety.  I am a law unto myself.  In fact I do believe this.  I am atheist.  I do not think this makes me a bad person on the contrary since I hew to high moral conduct and fair treatment I think it makes me a better person.  I do not fear some lightning bolt out of the sky that will strike me down if I do something bad. No ….I am friendly because I’m a friendly kind of guy.   I do it because I’m basically good not because of some long delayed spiritual payoff.  Or even the comfort crutch of death not being final.

So along comes some liberal who tell me I have to do it for the Earth or for the children have said immediately before this that there is no god.  It appears to be they de-throne god and within a minute or two their is some feces eating liberal that hops right up on that throne and commences immediately issuing orders to me.

Well screw the liberals.  If this is how they want to play it I say f&*k the environment.   They think they’re so progressive.   Good god the irony….they are exactly the same only worse than the holier than thou types they like to cite when talking about religion.  They like to play off christian believers as stupid.  Then these liberal environmentalists are more idiotic.  They do the same thing while all the while pointing the finger at christians.  At least the christians don’t try to change my life.  A bunch of white germanic NJF’s that want you to share their neurosis.



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