Dear Lord please let these bailouts fail soon.  
My fellow humans are selling out their liberty for comfort promised by politicians  
delivered through use of a money bazooka. This provides results as  
cold and empty as a witches tit but yet they persist as any amount of suffering  
in the name of liberty has been decided to be too much.  
Thus I ask you dear lord to let these bail outs fail. Whether they be  
the USA, China or Europe. Visit corrections upon the markets and deliver us  
from market distortion. Let spendthrift governments collaborating in a cross  
border ponzi scheme fail and fall. Let gift of ability to smile in the face of adversity be  
returned to mankind. We know that is what it will take to get through this time  
without losing our freedom. In your truth you know that only the purgative  
of collapse will exorcise the spirit of ponzi and the politicians lust for borrowed money.  
And finally dear lord please spare the lives of millions when the bailouts  
fail and politicians cast about for means to stay in office begin to start wars.

Categories: FunnyPredictions


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