When Richard Feynman left Cornell Freeman Dyson was asked to fill in for him and teach an advanced quantum mechanics class. His notes from that class have been made into a book and are available in pdf form.
The story behind the book is told in the video below. David Bohm taught Freeman Dyson QM.
Quantum Mechanics Table of Contents TOC
- Quantum Mechanics Table of Contents TOC
- ASU Quantum Mechanics for Engineers 434 Notes from Year 2001
- Book: Advanced Quantum Mechanics – Freeman Dyson
- Book: Notes on Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics Entanglement and Quantum Computation Summary List
- Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement Experiment with Single Photon Detector
- Summary Outline of Richard Feynmans Thesis – Framework for learning QED and Quantum Mechanics in general
- Quantum Computing Video strips down computing mechanics explanation to minimum
- Quantum Mechanics Computing for Computer Scientists
- Quantum Mechanics Money from Knots
- Quantum Mechanics Logic
- Video: Erann Gats explanation of quantum entanglement, measurement and interpretations
- Leonard Susskind Quantum Entanglement Lecture 2006
- Quantum Mechanics Entanglement and Spooky Action at a distance
- Quantum Computing Parallelism Explained
- On the Theory of Quanta Louis-Victor de Broglie 1892-1987
- Entangled-Light-Emitting Diode
- PAM Dirac Lectures in New Zealand 1975
- Leonard Susskind Lecture Series Play Lists
- Video: Spooky Actions At A Distance?: Oppenheimer Lecture – David Mermin – and Rhetorical Homework Problem Solution
- Lectures on Quantum Computation by David Deutsch – Includes Best Grover Search Algorithm Explanation Unit 6
- Basic Polarized Photon Entanglement Experiment
- Private: Quantum Computing Book Collection
- Video: KITP Lecture : Putting Weirdness to Work: Quantum Information Science
- Private: Derivation of the Planck Relation and Maximum Entropy Principle
- Derivation of Nyquist 4KTBR Relation using Boltzmann 1/2KT Equipartition Theorem
- Heuristic method of understanding the shapes of hydrogen atom electron orbitals