At first I thought Jelly Belly were merely good and this explained the popularity.  But one can not know at first just from the flavor why they sold so many.  Only after eating enough to develop "The Jelly Belly Addiction" can you know the full scope of why sales went parabolic.  It is as though they add space dust to them and you get addicted.  Once the addiction kicks in look out!   You will madly shove these chewy flavor bursts into your mouth as fast as you can.  I am surprised they do not sell them at crack houses. 
You know how it works. Put the money in the mail slot and down the drainspout rolls Jelly Belly's. Sonofa! they rolled me stank flavors!
And there in lies why I can never eat Jelly Belly's again.  Once an addict always an addict.  I just have to admit I have a problem. 

1 Comment

Stanley Armenteros MonsterID Icon Stanley Armenteros · April 9, 2011 at 9:22 pm

Good publish! I definitely acknowledge.

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