The dollar is collapsing.  Had we merely drilled our own oil our balance of trade would have been far more near neutral.  Instead we opted for dependency instead of self – sufficiency.

Now at the same time our currency is weakening oil is acting as a mode of currency.   Its funny the portuguese word for metal money is moeda.  Not a concidence.  Whatever is most current ( currency ! ) is the mode.  Now we are trapped in a flat pancake spiral dive that is going to take a long time to pull out of.

GM is on the teetering edge of failing.  If they go you better watch out.  It is a harbinger of things to come.   The take away lesson here is that if you Ignore the fundamental principles and character traits that made your country great and it will be laid low.  Now you will pay for your fecklessness America.

Categories: EconomicsPolitics


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