First of all you must know this: I am totally atheist and thus all my observations are based on fact not feeling.  I will now report some things that appear fairly odd on face value.  In reality they only point to the reality of the immense untapped power of the human mind and how this power is derived from basic physical principles of the universe.

As background to this I need you to refer to the first article covering the span of time from January 20 till March 14, 2008.

During the end of this time period I started experiencing a nasal infection that makes me now conclude this bacterial infection was possibly trying to establish itself in other parts of my body.  I do not have definite proof but mild symtoms of a cold or flu 3 times during this period make me conclude on the basis that I do not generally feel poorly such as this very often.  Anecdotal but off the main bump of my gaussian probability curve that I can make useful conclusions.

Now the interesting part:   I had a dream where my mother who has been dead for 12 years came to visit me. We sat a kitchen table and talked for hours.  She explained to me what it meant to be dead.  She did it in steady tones that are calming.  All the next day I felt the reality of what it is like to face the fact that there is a definite end to life. Mortality.  How sad it is for a human to end.  All those valuable and beautiful life experiences that end with that person.  And it spoke to me about how it will feel when it is me that gets the message that death is impending. 

Luckily this time I was getting ready to go to Brazil and had to put some things into storage.  On a guess i got out some old cipro sitting in my storage unit. I took it and within 24 hours I felt enough improvement in pain levels that when I got to Brazil I immediately bought a full course of antibiotics.  Thus this time was just a dry run for something that will occur some day soon in my life.  My ending.  I’m 46 now and 86 is just around the corner. 

With all that is bad about life it makes me wonder how anyone can be malevolent to his fellow persons.  But nonetheless the world is full of people who would as soon see you suffer rather than prosper with good health.  

Well that is it.  I think the takeaway is that you can know somewhat when you are going to die in advance by listening to your psychological composure.  The information will come to you in various modalities but come it will.  You must keep your ears open.   Many times we know more than we realize.  Its shocking to know all this in the face of how most people operate.  They divide between the physical realities of the world and the spiritual.  I now realize these 2 things are fused into one.  This could have been deduced previously by simply knowing that for us there is only one world. One reality. One set of physics. Thus everything I experience will be contained therein.  Thus all things are fused.  We only separate categories based on mental crutches we find useful to make thinking easier for simple minds.   Isn’t it about time we stop worrying about what the slowest kid in the class is learning?  Should not we focus on getting to the highest levels possible?  The slowest child will learn more too.  His self esteem may suffer but he will still learn more.  It will be a better place to live in when we do this.



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