I just received an email from a trading partner. He happens to be an over the road trucker.  Here is his first hand account of the Canadian oil sand boom:

I’m at a fuel depot here in northern Mnanitoba, Canada!  My loads got changed around and I landed up going to FortMcmurray, AB with a hotshot to the oilsands.  Then turned around with a piece of equipment to a place called Thompson.  But during the trip I was able to stop at a bank that was open and I got you your money order sent on its way to you.  I did that yesterday so they said they would look after everything and mail it to you.  Should have gone out last night or today.  But its on its way to you!  They told me it should be there in about a week or so.  I hope to be home this weekend but there’s lots of work hauling up here so I might stay a bit longer to make a few extra bucks.  Huge money going up to those oilsands!  That’s were theres big dollars being spent making oil.  So expect your money sometimes next week or so.  Deposit it and it should clear within a week or so.  Ship me the 12 converters when you’re satisfied you got your money.  Just send me a tracking nubmer and who you shipped with.  I wrote my address on a piece of paper in the envelope where to ship the stuff to.  Got to go and get a bite to eat and start driving again.  Let me know when you get it.

Interesting stuff.  Sounds like there are huge capital flows moving in on this project !



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