If you have not used Panoramio yet it allows you to upload landscape / metroscape pictures to the website at http://www.panoramio.com/    After you have uploaded the photos you can enter coordinates or use google mapping functions to plot the points on Google Earth.  Then other users can view your photos and get a more down to earth view of various points on the globe.

Ok ….so naturally the no brainer conclusion is that cameras will soon have GPS function built in to log photo locations so you can connect the camera to your pc and pipe the photo / position data directly into the database.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Google funded the development effort ( or already is funding !!! ).  Open source among other things means you work for Google whether you know it or not !

Er ok 10 minute after writing about this great invention I found this camera that has GPS capability with an added card: http://www.ricohzone.com/gps/



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