I’ve always been curious.  Curious to the point of putting off everything in my life to feed my insatiable curiosity.

I was on the way to a friends house when I saw a guy riding a chopper like bicycle. I turned about and went back to get a look at this guys creation.  It was chopper-fied “Hardly-Davidson”.  The guy had tattos all over, his face included.  It was Skitch of theladyluck.net tattoo parlor.   He let me get in my looky lou’s.  It was powered by a pocket bike motor.  

Later as I was driving home I thought for a bit about getting a tattoo.  Its not something I would waste my time on because I’m such a thoroughly internal person it just would not provide me the entertainment that it does the common jamoke.  Nonetheless the fact I’ve put off having any children, marriage any sort of real commitment in my life because of my curiosity made me realize that there’s a tattoo on the back of my head in the shape of an upside down question mark.  No laser will ever remove its effect on me.  I used to think it was a good thing. Now I’m not so sure. Tattoos are only a choice up until the time you have one.




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